
Russian arrested in Alicante for killing a woman by setting her on fire

Quite what the conflict was between two Russian women is not known, but the one thing that is certain is that one of them...

A war moving increasingly closer to Torrevieja

Last week’s mobilisation of reservists is causing concern amongst the Russian community in Torrevieja, many of whom still have families back in their homeland. “Seeing...

Spain Government to lower IVA on gas to 5%

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, has announced that he will lower IVA on gas bill from the current 21% to 5% at least until the...

Russian Oligarch has four properties seized in Alicante

Arkady Nikolaevich Ponomarev is one of the richest of the state Duma deputies in the Russian region of Voronezh.  He is a member of...

You Can’t Be Serious – If there’s no Hell, there’s no Justice …

It’s been a long time since I have thought as much about hell as I have been doing over the past month or so....


