Province of Valencia


At least 4 deaths and 19 missing in the Campanar fire Hell broke loose on the streets of Campanar just after half past five on...

Valencia Region in Second Place for Rental Price Hike

The price of rental housing in the Valencian Community increased by 14.6% in 2023. Only the Balearic Islands registered a greater increase (+19.4%). In the...

63 Out of 68 New Year Parties Authorised Across the Region

The Department of Justice and Interior, through the General Directorate of the Interior, has received 68 requests for the celebration of parties and New...

Alicante beats Valencia for Christmas searches

Alicante, Valencia, and Benidorm, top the list of Google searches for what to do or see during Christmas in the Valencian Community, according to...

Murcia Beats Alicante as Best Commercial City Space

Murcia, Málaga, and Seville are positioned as the best commercial cities in Spain, in terms of the occupancy rate of their commercial premises, way...


