San Miguel de Salinas

Work on the CV-95 in San Miguel to get underway Tuesday

The work will force ten thousand vehicles to make a 2-kilometer detour daily starting April 16 The Generalitat rules out the faster alternative...

San Miguel students visit Warsaw

A group of students and two teachers from the Los Alcores Secondary School of San Miguel de Salinas travelled to Poland last week where...

Urgent work to get underway on San Miguel Bridge

The Department of Environment of the Generalitat Valenciana has urgently awarded Pavasal the works for the reconstruction of the CV-95 bridge on Rambla Lo...

Free AP-7 toll demanded while new CV-95 bridge is built

The Neighbourhood Association of "San Miguel Arcángel" has submitted a proposal to the San Miguel council and the Generalitat to reduce traffic problems that...

Drainage Renewal Work to Affect San Miguel Roads

From Wednesday 20 March, drainage renewal work will affect the road network around the centre of the town. The work is in connection with the...


