San Fulgencio

40% of new cases in Torrevieja come from other communities

Torrevieja University Hospital serves 11 municipalities in the Vega Baja. One out of every four PCR tests is carried out on people from outside...

Second ecotouristic route organised in San Fulgencio

The evening route walked through the sierra del Molar, allowing participants to contemplate the nightly sky and stargazing without light pollution More success in participation...

New Carpet for La Marina Bowls Club

Cometh the hour cometh the men, in this case Stephen and Thomas from Dales to lay our new carpet. The old carpet and underlay came...

La Marina Golf Society 6th August 2020

This week was the 3rd round of the La Marina Golf Society's Summer Cup and what a scorching Summer's day it was.  20 members...

Law breakers face fines of €750-€1,500

San Fulgencio throws down gauntlet to anyone caught illegal dumping By Andrew Atkinson San Fulgencio has thrown down the gauntlet to members of the public who...


