San Fulgencio

Tickets selling fast for Treasure Island

Don’t miss this very funny and entertaining British Pantomime.   Get your tickets from the following outlets, but don’t delay they are selling fast – Card...

Children’s Drawing Contest on Gender Violence

San Fulgencio town hall has organised the 1st Children's Drawing Contest on gender violence with the collaboration of the José María Manresa School. It is...

Crescendo International Choir Has Several Concerts Planned

Crescendo International Choir has several concerts planned, including two with the Royal British Legion. One will be held Friday, December 9 at Cardinal Belluga...

TREASURE ISLAND comes to San Fulgencio

Join us when the Rojales Pantomime Group goes ‘Pirating in the Caribbean’ with Captain Long John Silver and his dastardly shipmates on the good...

San Fulgencio Youth Plan for 2022-2025

San Fulgencio Council has given the green light to its Municipal Youth Plan for the period 2022-2025. Councillor Samantha Hull told The Leader, "for the...


