Vega Baja

Another sonic boom surprises the residents of Vega Baja

Several loud booms surprised the residents of Vega Baja on Tuesday evening, at around 5:25 p.m.  causing the windows of homes in the area...

Veha Baja Farmers mobilised as they say, “enough is enough”

Much of the Vega Baja woke up on Tuesday morning as dozens of tractors were mobilised across the region for demonstrations in both San...

Twelve Members of Rural criminal gang arrested in Vega Baja

The National Police and the Civil Guard have arrested twelve people who belonged to a criminal gang that was dedicated to the robbery of...

Generalitat prioritises improvements to the CV-95 in the Vega Baja

The general secretary of the PP in Alicante, Juanfran Pérez Llorca, has confirmed that the autonomous government “will focus on health, infrastructure and roads...

Sonic Explosion startles residents of Vega Baja and Murcia

It was a Sonic boom, a loud noise similar to an explosion, that is heard when an aircraft, usually military, breaks through the sound...


