Santa Pola

Santa Pola Raises the 5 Blue and 13 Qualitur Flags on Beaches

The Mayor of Santa Pola, Loreto Serrano, and the Councillor for Beaches, Ángel Piedecausa, took part in a ceremonial raising of quality-based flags on...

Correos Responds to Gran Alacant Service Improvement Request

Following an initial meeting earlier this week between representatives of the town hall and the Correos delivery service, Santa Pola Council and Correos, as...

Police Issue Warning Over Huggy Wuggy Character

The Local Police in Santa Pola posted a warning on their social media feeds, that could be useful for anybody with small children, about...

Council Asks Correos to Improve Gran Alacant Service

The Mayor of Santa Pola, Loreto Serrano, and the Councillor for Gran Alacant, Oscar Valenzuela, held a meeting this week with those responsible for...

Santa Pola Obtains the most Qualitur Flags on Beaches in Valencia Community

Turisme Comunitat Valenciana has awarded the 2022 Qualitur Flag to the 13 beaches of Santa Pola in Alboraia, in an action of dissemination and...


