Community of Andalusia

Mojácar  celebrates International Tourism Day

As a way of marking International Tourism Day, Mojácar Council organized free guided visits, in both Spanish and English, to show off the historic...

Antonio Sánchez Trigueros receives an ‘Indalo De Las Letras’ Prize in Mojácar

Last weekend, Mojácar hosted the 1st Literary Publications Conference, which was organized by the ACLA “Acción Cultural del Levante Almeriense” in the town’s National...

Another ‘International’ Academic Year for Mojácar’s Bartolomé Flores School

Mojácar’s Bartolomé Flores School has got its new academic year off to a start with over 360 children at infant and primary level aged...

Mojácar Town Band gives an Educational Concert to local Schoolchildren

Mojácar Town Band recently gave a concert at Bartolomé Flores School, giving them a chance to show off their skills to the 4th, 5th...

British woman one of three Magaluf rapes at weekend

Three tourists have been raped on the same day in Magaluf, one of which was a 21 year old British Woman The three tourists all...


