Guardia Civil

Turtle Trapped in Plastic Bottles Rescued in Tabarca

The Guardia Civil has rescued a loggerhead turtle that was hooked between plastic bottles used, they are assuming, for illegal fishing. A vessel of the...

Immigrant Boat Lands in Santa Pola

The Local Police in Santa Pola have been collaborating with their colleagues from Elche, after a small boat arrived on the beach of the...

The Issue with Driving Shirtless

There are two common questions that always arise in the summer months. The first is about flip-flops, and whether it is illegal to drive in them. To which the answer, which we have covered before, is that there is no specific law which deals with such items of footwear, it is advisable not to drive …

The post The Issue with Driving Shirtless first appeared on - Driving In Spain.

N332 RoadWatch – Issue 24

It´s summer once again, that that means that the roads are often a lot busier than usual, as we have holiday traffic mixing in with the daily movements on the roads. We will see the inevitable flow of traffic coming from inland areas and towns and cities towards coastal and mountainous zones as domestic holidaymakers …

The post N332 RoadWatch – Issue 24 first appeared on - Driving In Spain.

Marijuana Plantation Hidden Under Bird Shed Discovered

Officers from the Guardia Civil have discovered a marijuana plantation hidden in a bird farm in Aspe. Officers received information about the location of the...


