
Invasive Species May Help Answer Mar Menor Pollution Problem

The blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, is an invasive species, first detected in the area in 2015, and has since been threatening the ecosystem through...

Torrevieja flood plan warns of risk in 23 critical areas

The new Municipal Action Plan for Flood Risk (PAMIN) warns of 23 critical flood zones in Torrevieja. This document, commissioned by the City Council...

Alicante Marq Museum exceeds 300,000 annual visitors.

The exhibition of Terracotta Warriors of Xi'an has been a great stimulus for the museum, having attracted more than 245,000 people since its...

How Accurate are Amanita Muscaria Testing Lab Results?

Have you ever wondered what goes into the making of those tantalizing Amanita Muscaria gummies you cherish and how your favorite brand manages to...

Storm Ciarán will bring strong winds and rain to the region on Thursday

As Autumn takes root in the Vega Baja region with the drop in temperatures, we will soon be welcoming the fourth storm of the...


