
How Reopening of Schools in the UK is Going to Work

2020 has not been a good year for a lot of people. At the beginning of the year, nobody knew that we would be...

Brits casa interest continues to grow

By Andrew Atkinson In the wake of a prediction that the price of properties in Spain could be slashed - between 10%-30% due to the...

Have you been spring cleaning during lock down?

Have you found stuff you didn’t know you had and now want to get rid of it? The charity Help at Home Costa Blanca is...

Las Santas Justa y Rufina church roof collapses in Orihuela

The sacristy roof of the church of las Santas Justa y Rufina in Orihuela collapsed on Tuesday morning The collapse occurred at dawn causing only...

Orihuela looks to raise 20 million euros from auction of coastal land

The Orihuela Council says that it wants to sell 38,000 square metres of land in the Colinas Golf development, 15,000 in La Cuerda...


