
Arenales del Sol Set for New Aparthotel Complex

The Local Government Board of Elche council approved the extraordinary dispatch of the detailed study project for Block 1-2 of Sector AR-1 of Arenales...

Property Values Around Parks Increase by 20 Percent

Although homeowners in the centre of Torrevieja may be disappointed by the destruction of parks to build more properties, those in La Siesta where...

Bellavista Owners want 1.2 million to restore public walkway

Despite the repeated promises of the Orihuela Council, there would now seem to be very little likelihood of the Aguamarina Promenade reopening in time...

Four out of every ten homes in the province are second homes or are empty

The province of Alicante has more than 1,350,000 houses, but only a little more than half are permanently occupied. The rest, up to 44%...

House Prices Maintain Stabilisation

The Tinsa IMIE General index registered in February, for the second consecutive month, a slight contraction of 0.1% in monthly rate, which places the...


