
Only 56% of Torrevieja Residents are from Spain

Torrevieja starts the year with 87,901 residents of which 49,807 are of Spanish origin Residents from the United Kingdom (5,236) continue to be the...

Torrevieja Signs Tourism Collaboration Agreement with Madrid

The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, have signed a collaboration agreement between the Madrid City Council...

90% renewable energy grant in San Fulgencio

The San Fulgencio Council has announced a 90% grant on the Construction, Installation and Work (ICIO) carried out to improve access and livability in...

Doctors in the Valencian Community Demand Curbs to Control the Sixth Wave

The Valencian Society of Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SVMPSP) has once again demanded measures from the regional government to reduce social contacts in...

Percy’s Ramblings – The Coffee Cup.

I wonder, dear reader, if you have heard the story of a garden party, where a group of people got together after a busy...


