
Vocabulary of the Virus – David Aitken

Certain words and phrases spring into prominence during emergencies. For the past year we have been subjected to sound bites on breakfast TV and tiers...

Give Blood and Get Wine!

I once gave blood in France, in the town of Nancy in Lorraine, or was it two other women, I can't remember.  I was...

Another Lost Generation? David Aitken

Thanks to coronavirus -- and I mean no thanks to coronavirus -- we look like finding ourselves succeeded by a new lost generation.  Succeeded...

You Can’t Be Serious – We are now the second-fattest people in Europe

There is a four-letter word in common usage these days; a word that we as children would be made wash our mouth out with...

Percy’s Ramblings – The Dragon

I see the man from Dragon’s Den, Touker Suleyman, was delighted to hear that a Cabinet minister is arguing that people who have returned...


