Municipal Elections

Torrevieja Greens Focus on Local Energy

The Los Verdes green party in Torrevieja continue to share their election promises if they win, and this time they have explained a proposal...

Torrevieja Socialists Present More Candidates

Bárbara Soler, the mayoral candidate for the PSOE in Torrevieja, has revealed the next batch of team members who will be fighting the elections...

Transforming the left of the Vega Baja

Esquerra Unida and Podemos took centre stage on the promenade of Los Náufragos in Torrevieja last week where they confirmed that they will be...


The mayoral candidate for Sueña Torrevieja presented his plans for how he and his group will transform Torrevieja under the title, “Torrevieja as you...

Torrevieja PP Open Lavish Campaign Office

The Partido Popular (PP) of Torrevieja has opened the doors to their new “large and accessible” campaign office, located in a premier location on...


