
ECO Stickers Mandatory in Madrid

From Wednesday, April 24, it will be mandatory for vehicles wishing to travel through Madrid to display the ECO Sticker in the windscreen. The ECO Sticker was introduced to highlight the impact vehicle pollutants have on the environment, and to encourage the purchase of less environmentally damaging vehicles. Cities like Madrid, Barcelona and Seville had …

Cyclists Give Cyclists a Bad Name!

In a relationship that seems to have developed into one of almost bitter rivalry, cyclists and other road users seem to be at constant odds. Sweeping statements like, “all cyclists go through red lights”, or, “cyclists think they own the road”, are grossly unfair, but it is true that this happens. Just like cyclists who …

It looks the same, but…

They look similar – steering wheel, foot pedals, displays with numbers on – but the reality is, a most cars differ in the equipment they offer, more so given new technological advances, and so it is important if we get a new car, even if we are just renting it, to get to know what´s …

Mobile Phone Dangers Escalating

This week, we recognised the now global event to raise awareness of the dangers of using a mobile phone whilst driving, but still the message isn´t getting through to some people who are risking their own lives, and the lives of others, just to get noticed on social media, and it´s not just the drivers …

N332 Needs Your Help

Once again, the N332 Road Safety Project has been nominated and shortlisted in a national award that recognises contributions to road safety. The “Ponle Freno...


