
The Spanish Number Plate System

The Spanish number plate system dates back to 1900, although the concept and layout has undergone a number of transformations since then, the latest format taking over a century later in September, 2000. Currently, the Spanish number plate is formed by the European symbol on the left hand side, in a tall band, then four …

Driver Loses 28 Points in a Week

A 34-year-old man from Galicia has had his driving licence withdrawn after losing 28 points in a single week. In the first incident the driver attempted to avoid and flee from an alcohol and drug checkpoint. A few days later he was intercepted by another patrol that subjected him to an alcohol and drugs test, …

Choosing your ITV Station

Following on from our recent article explaining some of the facts relating to the ITV inspection, one question is still continuing to crop up. The question relates to vehicles which are registered in the Valencia region and their eligibility to have the test carried out in Murcia, for example. As we explained, according to the …

Startling Increases in Criminal Behaviour

The office of the Attorney General has released advanced information relating to offences committed on the roads in 2018, revealing that alcohol and drug use is the most common crime. During 2018, the Public Prosecutor’s Office opened a total of 110,651 criminal proceedings for crimes against road safety, a figure that represents an increase with …

Drifting to Prison

An 18-year-old man, of French nationality, has been sentenced to 4 years in prison, the withdrawal of his driving licence for 16 months, and a fine of 1,000 euro for driving recklessly through the Alicante town of Elche. Neighbours in the area near calles Frasquita Vázquez and Orihuela reported the vehicle driving through the streets …


