
Two Hundred Thousand Tests – Three Thousands Fails

In the most recent focus on alcohol and drug consumption before driving, over 200,000 drivers were subjected to a roadside test, with over 3,000 failing. In total, during the campaign that took place earlier this month, 200,306 tests were performed on drivers to ascertain if they had consumed alcohol or drugs. For those drivers subjected …

Scooter Recall

The electric scooter company Xiaomi, one of the most popular manufacturers of electric scooters purchased in Spain, has recalled one of its products due to safety concerns. According to the company, it is some of their model, “Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter M365”, of which some 500 units have been found to be defective. The fault …

Ten Million Euro for Road Safety

According to the official state bulletin from the Spanish government, the treasury has authorised the transfer of 10 million euro to the DGT to spend on road safety. The money is going to be invested in updating and replacing some dated elements of road safety, as well as financing more equipment to keep a check …

What do the green lines painted on some roads mean?

Some areas have been testing them since January, 2017, but given their success through the trial, you might see an increase in places where green lines are painted along the side of the road. But, what do they mean? You might think they are related to parking, like yellow or blue lines indicate restrictions, or …

Smoking whilst Driving

It is currently not illegal to smoke whilst driving in Spain. However, the general consensus of a recent survey suggests it should be, if children are in the vehicle. There have been many stories shared through social media of drivers being fined for smoking, and although it is true that there are occasions when drivers …


