
Keeping Children Secure

According to data from across Europe, two out of every three children in cars are not secured properly, although not only those not wearing any seat belt or restraining system, many of them have been strapped in incorrectly or inadequately. If a child is properly restrained in a vehicle, the statistics speak for themselves, as …

Social Media Dangers!

Most people know that using a mobile phone when driving is wrong, even though we will all witness it on a regular basis. It is illegal, because it is potentially deadly. However, the days of using a mobile just to make a call are long gone, as the development of the smart phone has led …

Are you prepared for winter?

It will be here sooner than you might hope, and it is important to make sure our cars are prepared. We will look at specific things to check as the days start to cool down and the weather changes, but for now we will look at some of the basic checks we can do in …

How to Legalise an Electric Scooter

We have explained at some length the difference between electric vehicles and which require registration and a driving licence. However, one question that is still arising is how one goes about registering a scooter that requires documentation. The first thing to remember is that the legislation in Spain has been brought about through the need …

Worrying Number of Drivers Admit to Drink Driving

In an independent survey conducted by the RACE automobile association of Spain, as part of the European Fatigue Eurobarometer 2019, drivers revealed a worrying picture of the reality of drink driving, with the information revealing that, amongst other statistics, 14% of drivers on the roads of Spain claim to drive regularly under the influence of …


