Driver safety

Myths about the ITV Inspection Explained

The Inspección Técnica de Vehículos, or ITV test, is a mandatory process for all cars from their fourth year of life that, on occasions, arouses many doubts and questions. Here we briefly explain some of those doubts, and the reality around these top myths. The ITV, which is similar to the MOT in the UK, …

The post Myths about the ITV Inspection Explained first appeared on - Driving In Spain.

Young Male Killed in Electric Scooter Crash

A young man has died after being involved in an incident in Granada whilst riding an electric scooter. The Local Police reported that the incident took place on Wednesday on calle Aconcagua in the in the city, when the victim apparently lost control of the vehicle and fell off it. The victim, who was not …

The post Young Male Killed in Electric Scooter Crash first appeared on - Driving In Spain.

Local Police Seize Electric Scooters for Failing to Comply with Regulations

Benidorm Local Police seized five electric scooters during random checks throughout august, for not complying with current municipal regulations. These actions are part of...

Dismantling of Bike Lanes Begins in Elche

The bipartisan formed by the Partido Popular and Vox has begun to fulfil their promise by dismantling bike lanes in the city of Elche. The...

It is Mandatory to Carry a Spare Wheel in Spain, but Not Always

In Spain, it is mandatory for vehicles to carry a spare wheel (and the tools to change it), along with other items which must be carried in the vehicle. Some modern cars however do not have spare wheels, but rather have an emergency “get home” kit, which is designed to get you to a place …

The post It is Mandatory to Carry a Spare Wheel in Spain, but Not Always first appeared on - Driving In Spain.


