Driver safety

All You Need To Know About Rental Car Insurance

Car rental is becoming increasingly popular. You don’t depend on anyone, you can get to the most interesting, hard-to-reach places and build your own...

Useful Tips For Those Planning to Rent a Car in Spain

When it comes to visiting another state or country many adventure seekers know for sure that their vacation will be dull without a car....

Misuse of the Horn can Have Serious Consequences

Vehicles which use the roads of Spain must be fitted with an audible warning device by law. That includes bicycles, and electric scooters, and those without face a fine. On motor vehicles the audible warning device normally takes the form of a horn and is integral in the vehicle. Article 110 of the traffic law …

The post Misuse of the Horn can Have Serious Consequences first appeared on - Driving In Spain.

The Importance of Checking Headlights

Good visibility on the road is one of the most important factors for road safety. It is not only about being able to see the road and the possible obstacles that arise, but also about being able to see other drivers as well as making ourselves see them. This should be the case regardless of …

The post The Importance of Checking Headlights first appeared on - Driving In Spain.

Is it against the law to drive whilst wearing headphones?

The headline, although in the original it did contain a spelling mistake and so we are not fully quoting it, appeared in an English language newspaper in Spain this week. The article says that there is a “lack of an outright ban”, which could be considered misleading, as the publication is in Spain, where there …

The post Is it against the law to drive whilst wearing headphones? first appeared on - Driving In Spain.


