We started to talk about seat belts last week, which we will continue. The three-point seat belt, which is fitted as standard to most modern vehicles, has an upper (thoracic) and a lower band (pelvic). Both must be snugly fitting against the body. For the seat belt to offer maximum protection it must be on …
The post Summer Driving – Dos and Don´ts – Part 4 first appeared on N332.es - Driving In Spain.Under the slogan “When you kill someone on the road, you kill them every day of your life”, the new campaign of the Directorate General of Traffic shows the consequences of alcohol consumption on driving, a factor that has increased its presence in the drivers involved in the fatal traffic accidents of the last year. …
The post The DGT focuses its summer awareness campaign on alcohol first appeared on N332.es - Driving In Spain.Seat belts save lives. Using a seat belt is mandatory for all vehicle occupants in Spain. There are extra rules regarding children, but the basic rule is simply that everyone must comply. There are also a few exceptions, but it is worth noting, as an example, that if the rear seats only have two seat …
The post Who pays the fine if a passenger isn’t wearing a seat belt? first appeared on N332.es - Driving In Spain.We have been talking about summer dos and don’ts, but to be clear, these rules do not only apply in summer, but they also apply all year. The reason we are highlighting the season is because we always see an increase in these types of behaviours, and an increase in the subsequent fines, at this …
The post Summer Driving – Dos and Don´ts – Part 3 first appeared on N332.es - Driving In Spain.Last week, we spoke about maintaining the correct position when we are sat in a vehicle, specifically, in that case, related to the potential and “life changing” injuries that can be caused by putting your feet on the dashboard. However, the rule extends to much more than that, as Article 18, Section 1 of Royal …
The post Summer Driving – Dos and Don´ts – Part 2 first appeared on N332.es - Driving In Spain.Established in 2004, The Leader Newspaper is a popular read for English-language speakers in Spain who are interested in news, sport, Spanish property, business, classifieds, and local information.
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