Driver safety

Torrevieja Traffic Warning – 05/06 August 2023

Throughout the month of August, Torrevieja is once again hosting the Brilla Torrevieja event, featuring bands and entertainment held in the Parque Antonio Soria. However, on the weekend of 5 and 6 August, the controversial Reggaeton Beach Festival (RBF) is taking place in the same location, with the latest estimates from the town hall stating …

The post Torrevieja Traffic Warning – 05/06 August 2023 first appeared on - Driving In Spain.

The DGT’s new hidden weapon hidden in ‘Stop’ signs

With the aim of reducing the accident rate on Spanish roads and improving road safety, in recent years the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT)...

The most dangerous Valencian roads during the holidays

Summer ranks as the most dangerous time of year to drive. During the holiday period, recklessness, traffic density and fatigue, due to the heat...

Carrying your mobile phone in the car

It is doubtful that there is anybody in the developed world who doesn’t know that mobile phones are a distraction whilst driving, and yet, all too often, we see them being used behind the wheel. More than 300 people a year a killed in Spain as a result. In Spain, the rules are quite clear. …

The post Carrying your mobile phone in the car first appeared on - Driving In Spain.

Summer Driving – Dos and Don´ts – Part 5

In this series about summer driving dos and don’ts, we have looked at keeping ourselves and our passengers safe in the vehicle, by not doing things like putting our feet on the dashboard, or our arms out of the window, and keeping ourselves secure by wearing a seat belt properly. This week we are going …

The post Summer Driving – Dos and Don´ts – Part 5 first appeared on - Driving In Spain.


