
Freemasons Raise Money For Food Banks.

On Saturday, 3rd September, local Freemason's Lodge, Caledonia Lodge number 68, held a grand hog roast at the Masonic Centre, Sociedad Compas, Quesada, which...

Health will regulate school menus to tackle obesity in children

A rather more silent pandemic than we have recently experienced but, nonetheless, as important because it meanders along largely unnoticed until it begins to...

Mojacar, joins the awareness-raising about food allergies

8th July Marks World Allergy Day Mojácar Council has joined the awareness and information campaign promoted by the Spanish Association for People with an...

CHEERS! I’ll drink to that!

Spain has 101,397 bars - punters 2.14 billion litres of beer annually With Covid restrictions eased after over two years of government lockdown guidelines...

Healthy Breakfasts promoted amongst Pilar’s Schoolchildren

The Department of Health in Pilar de la Horadada held a nutritional education program on Monday called Healthy Breakfasts. The activity was held in...


