
Murcia Leads the Way in Neonatal Screening

Neonatal screening in the National Health System is going to be expanded “from seven to eleven diseases”, as announced by the President of the...

La Fe performs robotic surgery for kidney transplant

Valencia’s La Fe hospital performs the first kidney extraction from a living donor using robotic surgery for kidney transplant The kidney transplant team at...

Horadada’s Green Patrol 2023-2024 comes to an end

Last month saw the end of the Patrulla Verde educational and healthy leisure programme organised by the Youth Department of Pilar de la Horadada...

Minister Teresa Ribera returns to the Mar Menor

The third vice president and minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, will returns to the Mar Menor on Thursday to report on the...

Mayor pays tribute to Orihuela Costa officers for saving 4 lives

The Mayor of Orihuela, Pepe Vegara, has paid tribute on Tuesday to the two Local Police officers who recently saving the lives of four...


