You Can't be Serious

You can’t be serious – The blind spot

I have a slight defect. Loath as I am to admit it, I have a blind spot. This blind spot manifests itself in a...

You Can’t Be Serious – So what about the ‘street devil and house angel’…?

Last week we ran a piece about the ‘street angel and house devil’. We gave several examples of the meaning of the term. Since...

You Can’t Be Serious – ‘…’

I knew a man once upon a time who liked to ‘take a drink.’ John also liked to philosophise a bit – mostly about...

You Can’t be Serious – There is something special about sweet September

September is my favourite month and the more I think about it the better I like it. Ok, so I didn’t like the first...

You Can’t Be Serious . Keep your opinion of yourself to yourself …

I have the highest admiration for modest people; those men and women who prefer to ‘hide their light under a bushel’. Even though this...


