You Can't be Serious

You Can’t Be Serious – All is not well in speaking well of the dead

‘If you don’t go to a man’s funeral, how can you expect him to come to yours’, a pub philosopher once told me with...

You Can’t Be Serious – The sensuality of a sustained sudsy shower …

I love my shower. I would go as far as saying that never in the history of showers has there been a man who...

You Can’t Be Serious – ‘As soon as I get straightened out …’

One of the worst things about everyday life is that there is always one more thing to be done: One of the best things...

You Can’t Be Serious – Taking another run at life

Ready … steady …GO! There is more than a spring in our step and more than Spring in the air, dear readers: and better...

You Can’t Be Serious – Choose your Battles Wisely

If there is one thing that I’m not good at (Ah, OK Lads, so what if it could be more than one!) it is...


