Percy's Ramblings

The Result of Debt

I was wondering who remembers back in the old country, alright Great Britain, those envelopes that came through the letterbox demanding payment for services...

Percy’s Ramblings – Infiltration: To Destroy a Government

It was a cold and windy day in the UK in December two thousand and nineteen, on the twelfth to be exact. It was...

Percy’s Ramblings – Science Fiction – Maybe?

I guess, in fact I know, I am old fashioned coming from a period when life was so simple, and it was possible to...

Questionable Readings by Percy Chattey

So, it is hot! We are hearing all sorts of stories of how records are being broken. Someone has even said it is 116...

I’ve never had Paella – but I’ll try some!

Murcia based great-grandmother Joan Richmond-Woodhouse, 91, who puts down eating pies to keep her fit and young looking revealed that she has never tasted...


