Percy's Ramblings

Percy’s Ramblings – Free Thinking?

There was a lovely story recently on Facebook about a little she dog, dark coloured and the size of a Jack Russell, who had...

To go Electric

The growth of the people in the world is still expanding, the need for continued development is a  must, otherwise the way we live...

Percy’s Ramblings – The Tunnel

As we near the first anniversary of the original lockdown we are told there is light at the end of the tunnel, the only...

To the Rescue

So the UK, well not quite all of it as Northern Island has its foot in the door of Brussels, or maybe it’s the...

Percy’s Ramblings – The Webb

Percy's RamblingsChristmas, that wonderful time of the year when the world collapses in on itself, but for the few who keep the whole thing...


