
Alice in Blunderland – Letter from the Atlantic

Well, it is panto season again, so I have to use a panto title that broadly fits into the spirit of the season, don’t...

Spain’s Kosovo-Catalonia conundrum

Commentary by Fredrik Wesslau Madrid is inadvertently equating Catalonia and Kosovo and, by doing so, revealing itself to be unable to distinguish between legitimate aspirations...

5 Civil War Locations You Have to Visit in Spain

The Spanish Civil War began in 1936 and ended in 1939, and was fought between the Republican government of Spain at the time and...

I’m Just Having a Tertulia

One of my favourite cafe bars is called ‘Tertulia’. It is not a particularly grand establishment and is completely unlike any of those overpriced...

46th anniversary of ukulele star Formby fiancée’s death

UKULELE Leaning on a Lampost, My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock and When I’m Cleaning Windows star George Formby’s fiancée Pat Howson’s 46th anniversary...


