
Middle Eastern War that is scarred by tragedy

I am sure that the vast majority of right-thinking non-religious and religious people around the world are very saddened at what has happened and...

New technology:

Recently in the media and elsewhere there has been plenty of information circling concerning ‘AI’ (Artificial Intelligence) and how it is going to change...

You Can’t Be Serious – Is science finally ‘fu**ed’ this time?

The more I learn, the more astounded I become by how much we learned before the age of 14 in that little two roomed...

Nature-Based Healing to Help Young People Get Better

People are unhealthier than ever. Young and old live stagnant lifestyles, working jobs and studying without ever having to leave the comfort of their...

How to Make Your Website Cross-Browser Compatible

In the present digital age, having a website that functions seamlessly across all web browsers is crucial. This is because internet users across the...


