
Garden Felix: Nerine and Amarines

Nerine and Amarines - known as Guernsey lily, Jersey lily or the Spider lily - the latter apt, due to their spidery like flowers. Often...

Garden Felix – Tobacco plant blows it’s own trumpet!

Tobacco plant - Nicotiana - is a popular summer bedding plant, that comes in a range of colours and sizes. The trumpet-like flowers are night-scented,...

Irises – the Greek goddess of the rainbow

IRISES - named from the Greek goddess of the rainbow - will attract butterflies and hummingbirds into your garden and make lovely cut flowers. Irises...

Garden Felix – Gladioli

Gladioli - often called Sword Lillies due to their long, pointed leaves -  have distinctive tall flower spikes emerge in the summer months,  coming...

Garden Felix: Buddleia Davidii

Officially named the Buddleia Davidii - commonly referred to as the butterfly bush - summer lilac, or orange eye buddleia are grown for their...


