
Garden Felix: Sea Holly provide unique fascinating addition to garden

Sea Holly flowers provide a unique fascinating addition to your garden with their spiny-toothed leaves and clusters of teasel-like blossoms making them a great...

Garden Felix – Dr in the house with Culver’s root

Culver’s root shows off in summer with long stalks, growing up to 2 metres, with stems stout and erect bearing leaves in whorls of...

Garden Felix – Heuchera bell-shaped flowers ring in the Spring-early summer

The Heuchera - Coral Bells - is a perennial foliage plant, with literally hundreds of varieties available to choose from. Heuchera, at home in containers,...

Garden Felix – Mexican fleabane flowers from Spring to Autumn

The Mexican fleabane is a species of daisy-like flowering plant that grows well in fertile, well-drained soil, that does not dry out in summer. Plant...

Garden Felix – Aeonium true growing season is winter through to spring

Aeonium is a succulent plant, originally from the Canary Islands, which have an unusual appearance ranging from long, arching stems and rosettes of leaves...


