
Garden Felix – Borage flower blooms bees favourites

Borage, also known as bugloss and starflower, is an easily grown hardy annual flower, that's also an excellent gap-filler, that comes from Mediterranean countries. It...

Garden Felix – Comfrey

Comfrey has short stems of red buds, which open to clusters of nodding purple flowers just above the leaves, which are nectar-pollen rich. Comfrey's green,...

Garden Felix – Birds foot – Granny’s toenails, claw-like seed pods!

Lotus corniculatus - common Bird's foot trefoil - is a member of the pea family which is  known by many names, including Eggs and...

Garden Felix – Marjoram beautiful flowers from June-August attracting bees and butterflies​

Wild Marjoram is native to the Mediterranean region and has strongly scented leaves and bears small white, pink or purple flowers. Plants are easy to...

Las Riojas Residents rescue their park

Residents and Presidents of several urbanisations bordering on Calle Canal de Suez in Los Riojas complained to C.L.A.R.O. of their despair at the deterioration...


