
Garden Felix Wallflowers

Erusimum - Wallflowers - are mainly grown as a spring-summer bedding plant, many of which produce delightfully scented flowers. Colours come in pale blues, greens,...

Garden Felix: Geraniums

Flowers and foliage edible - flavour drinks, cakes and jellies! Geraniums make popular bedding plants due to their hardy nature and generous displays of vibrantly...

Garden Felix – Pulmonaria flowers of violet blue to purple, into pink

Pulmonaria 'Diana Clare' - lungwort - is a semi-evergreen plant that has short stalks of dark violet blue funnel-shaped flowers, from late winter to...

Garden Felix – Pieris Japonica – ‘Lily of the Valley’ bush

Pieris is an attractive and easy to grow full hardy evergreen Spring shrub with the most commonly grown variety Pieris Japonica. Pieris' Spring new growth...

Garden Felix – Elkington’s White clusters of pure white flowers followed by blue-black fruits

Ribes Sanguineum - Elkington Flowering Currant - is a compact, deciduous shrub, which has dark green leaves with attractive, small, petalled pink-red flowers in...


