Rivers and riverbeds

Orihuela’s picture postcard shield destroyed by a lack of maintenance.

It is one of the most photographed images in Orihuela, the quintessential symbol of the city, and yet the council have clearly let it...

Prime Minister to visit Torrevieja desalination plant tomorrow

The announcement occurs in the context of the serious drought that Catalonia and areas of Andalusia are going through that currently lack such...

Clearing Orihuela Costa ravines of weeds to avoid fires

The Orihuela Council has started a cleaning programme for ravines and gullies across the Orihuela Costa to prevent the occurrence of fires and floods...

Carlos Mazón adds his voice to criticism of overgrown Segura riverbeds

Carlos Mazón has demanded that the Government clean the Segura riverbed to prevent floods similar as those caused by the DANA of the Vega...

Segura basin drought despite latest rains

Despite the rains we saw over recent days, the Segura basin entered a drought alert level at the beginning of September, for the first...


