
Cleaning Up on the Coast

Garden waste, rubbish, seaweed, will soon be a distant memory to the residents and visitors of the Orihuela Costa, at least that´s the promise...

Mother Earth Festival raises more than 3,700 euros

The second edition of the Mother Earth Festival 'Breathe, reborn and reconnect' has raised 3,786'76 euros that will go to the charity ‘Aztívate and...

Orihuela Waste Depot Upgraded

The councillor for street cleaning and Urban Solid Waste, Dámaso Aparicio, said last week that improvements to the 6500 sq mtr Orihuela Waste Depot...

BBQ Cops on Patrol

Whilst out performing their routine tasks of ensuring humans don´t destroy the planet, rural police patrols are also in the process of checking seals...

Phenomenal Praying Mantis can lay up to 300 eggs – in one sac!

By Andrew Atkinson A PRAYING mantis egg sac was discovered in the garden this week - attached to a honeysuckle plant. Praying mantis are highly prized...


