
Vera Photo Club Exhibits in Mojácar

The “La Fuente de Mojácar” Municipal Art Centre has opened its doors to a new exhibition by the Vera International Photo Club collective, which...

Garden Felix – Candle Plant that lights up the garden!

Senecio kleinia, more commonly known as Canary Islands Candle Plant; Candle Plant, and Mountain Grass! Native to the Canary Islands - but grows readily here...

Garden Felix – Spanish flag’s exotic love!

Ipomoea lobata - called Spanish Flag and Exotic Love, due to its cascading flowers - are made up of funnel shaped petals, arranged along...

Garden Felix – Oleanders pink, red, orange, yellow and white flowers!

Oleander - Nerium oleander - is a favourite everywhere in Spain, growing naturally as a mounded, round shrub, that can be trained as a...

Garden Felix – Anthurium – Flamingo flowers!

Anthurium is a plant that is generally an indoor plant- but grow well outdoors in warm climates such as on the Costa Blanca South. Commonly...


