
Garden Felix – Sprig of Rosemary in your hair will improve memory!

ROSEMARY is a perennial evergreen shrub with blue flowers, that can become a bit of a burden, if not managed properly. It is an aromatic...

Garden Felix – Japanese Pittosporum fragrant, creamy white flowers

Japanese Pittosporum is a useful ornamental plant, that grows in sun or shade, but will thrive when planted in an easterly position in any...

Garden Felix – Lilac Syringa Vulgaris classic garden shrub

Lilac Syringa Vulgaris - tree lilac - is a classic garden shrub or small tree, part of the olive family bearing panicles of fragrant,...

Garden Felix Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus or gum tree is a fast-growing evergreen tree that looks attractive all year round, thanks to its decorative foliage and bark. Its ornamental leaves...

Garden Felix – Fuchsia flowers flower in May through to autumn

Fuchsias are shrubs that have hanging, bell-shaped, bi-coloured flowers that will start flowering in May - and continue through to autumn. Depending on the variety,...


