
Garden Felix – Impatiens bloom profusely all season long

Impatiens flowers are bright annuals that can light up any dark and shady part of your garden. Growing impatiens is quite easy, as they can...

Garden Felix – Judas tree – Love tree – Mediterranean redbud

According to legend, this is the tree that Judas the apostle hung himself after he betrayed Jesus. Other common names, which are a little more...

Garden Felix – Like magic Rain lily grace any garden!

Rain lily, Zephyr lily and Fairy lily - Zephyranthes lily - will grace any garden border or container. Like magic, following rain or watering, it...

Garden Felix – Broom flowers in yellow, white, pink, orange and red!

Brooms are shrubs grown for their small, pea-like flowers that bloom in late spring and early summer. Broom flowers come in the most familiar shade...

Garden Felix – Liatris – Blazing Star/Gayfeather

Liatris, also known as Blazing Star or Gayfeather, is a long blooming perennial providing a display from July into late autumn. It's a member of...


