Amateur Dramatics

South Pacific – The ambition of Bloody Mary

Studio32 Musical Theatre Company are pleased to announce that rehearsals for our next production are well in advance and promises to be a fantastic...

Luther provides comic relief in South Pacific

Studio32 Musical Theatre Company are pleased to announce that their next production the popular Rodgers and Hammerstein Musical ‘South Pacific” . The plot centres on...


HIP, HIP, HOORAY as they met for their first rehearsal since 2019.    The cast and crew are excited to be back and are looking...

Bringing back wonderful memories with SOUTH PACIFIC 

Studio32 Musical Theatre Company are pleased to announce that rehearsals for our next production are well in advance. The plot centres on an American...

Come and Join Our Merry Panto Crew.

The Rojales Pantomime Group are raring to get up and running again after not being able to perform for the last two panto seasons...


