
March is Theatre Month in Torrevieja

March has already begun and in Torrevieja the month is being recognised as Theatre Month, with two very important dates, the first on March 20, World Children’s Theatre Day and the second on March 27, World Theatre Day. As part of the celebrations leading up to those key dates, the month begins with “IV Theatre …

This Is Torrevieja - Torrevieja news and events

Orihuela to invest 48,000 euros in resurfacing the streets for Holy Week processions.

The work is being carried out "in order to guarantee safety along the processional route" The Orihuela Council is spending 33,575 euros repairs to the...

Opposition will ask for the censure of Councillor Montoya (Vox)

The three opposition groups (PSOE, Cambiemos and Ciudadanos) appeared before the press on Monday to jointly announce that they have presented a motion to...

Miguel Hernández to get ‘married’ again in Orihuela

March 9, 1937. In the old town hall palace of Orihuela, located in the Plaza Nueva, that was the day when the wedding of...

Uncertain future for Albatera, the largest Franco concentration camp in Spain

The "Albatera concentration camp", the largest Francoist detention centre in Spain, housed over 15,000 prisoners in April 1939. Archaeological surveys that are being carried...


