Andrew Atkinson

Carabineros HQ and Punta Prima Anti-Aircraft Battery

The excavations and history associated with the Carabineros barracks and later anti-aircraft battery that existed in Punta Prima, currently in ruins except for the...

Heartbreaking plea for missing dog Bobby in Almoradi

A heartbreaking plea has been made for a family dog that has gone missing in Almoradi. "It’s been heartbreaking," owner Leisa Geddes told The Leader. The...

Sporting Saladar’s promotion bid

Goalkeeper Yonai Culiáñez has topped the charts - in conceding just six goals in 708 minutes at Sporting Saladar. Under coach Pedro Lara, Valencia 2nd...

Apanee Torrevieja celebrate Christmas with Santa Claus!

Apanee Torrevieja celebrated its great Christmas party with a special visit of Santa Claus and his elves, along with Mickey and Minnie! "The arrival of...

Illegal racing ends at Pedrera, Torremendo

Car and motorbike racers have been thwarted in illegally racing on the CV-950 in the mountainous area of Pedrera, Torremendo, Orihuela. "Finally - at last...


