Percy Chattey

Percy’s Ramblings – The Dragon

I see the man from Dragon’s Den, Touker Suleyman, was delighted to hear that a Cabinet minister is arguing that people who have returned...

Digital Normal.

To open a book and disappear into another world is an unbeatable joy as the story unfolds and the chapters flow past detailing the...

Percy’s Ramblings – Progress?

Perhaps I am one of the people who has helped to bring the payment by  plastic to become a common way of purchasing goods. When...

Percy’s Ramblings – Harmony

One of the phenomena of social media is the kind words and the talk of caring, being kind to others, great sentiments of making...

Percy’s Ramblings – A Hole in One

Life is a wonderful phantasmagoria of happenings and whimsical memories,  a kaleidoscope of the past relived as if it was yesterday. The current four...


