Percy Chattey

Stuck in Traffic

The sun is trying very hard to peep from behind the clouds, to once more spread its rays across the patio where we are...

Percy’s Ramblings – Touching Me

Taken from a report in the Mail - enjoy ... (A beautiful song by Neil Diamond!) It is with delight, well sometimes, that I...

Percy’s Ramblings – The Wagtail

I frequently mention Social Media and how it can be fake but there are parts that are satisfying and rewarding to see, and I...

Percy’s Ramblings – Quizzing the Young

The innocence of childhood! Running around without a worry in the world. How many adults can remember being four years old - I have...

Percy’s Ramblings – Waste for Profit

On occasions an image flashes across the television screen bringing back a vision of the past, in this instance it was a picture of...


