
You Can’t Be Serious – ‘Which of you said that …?’

  Tom T Hall declares in one of his songs that ‘big preachers know a lot more than I do.’ Nonetheless, Tom T had his...

You Can’t Be Serious – In praise of multiple women!

  I am blessed to have more than one woman in my life – and this is leaving aside my precious daughter and beautiful granddaughters....

Is Down Sometimes Up?

Pandemics aren't the only things that can seem to turn the whole world upside down.  Or topsy-turvy, as we might describe it, if this...

Everyone Likes a Bargain

For economy of language, it would be hard to beat a market trader in Beirut trying to sell me a briefcase with the words,...

Embarrassment: Quick grab a towel

Travelling around to various destinations, and for a variety of reasons, memories are made, and from time to time they come flashing back, sometimes...


