David Aitken

How Many Hearts Do You Have?

Playing cards with my doctor can be confusing at times.  When he suddenly says, "You've only got one heart," I'm not sure whether he...

Should We Bring Back Castor Oil?

Electronic cigarettes, a.k.a. Vapes, because the user inhales vapour, are available in many flavours.  They sound to me like a modern version of Craven...

Turning Ideas on their Heads

We peel potatoes if we are the designated potato peeler in our family.  Strangely, given the great variety of verbs in the English language...

And Now for the Bad News…

Watching TV news makes me feel quite normal at times, which is at least an improvement. The usual news is awash with failure, and...

It’s All a Matter of Luck

Hurry, hurry!  Only eight billion years left to extinction!  Our solar system will be transformed by the ageing sun before coming to a spectacular...


