Bernie Comaskey

You Can’t Be Serious – Nothing more focussed than a fixated frog …

I learned an amazing amount about an awful lot of stuff during my seven years as a pupil in Johnstown National School. It wasn’t...

You Can’t Be Serious – A column simply oozing with bad taste …

There is ‘bad taste’ and there is ‘poor taste’; there used to be such thing as ‘good taste’, but it appears as if there...

You Can’t Be Serious – ‘One of the great mysteries of our time …’

There is a saying regularly kicked around Casa Comaskey … well actually, the truth is that the so called saying, is used only by...

YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS – My Captivating Comaskey Camino

Long threatening doesn’t always ‘come at last’ – but this one did! I finally got around to walking the Camino; or more precisely the...

You Can’t Be Serious – So what is the greatest invention of your lifetime?

When I was a young lad – not today nor yesterday, one of the many local characters that I knew was an eccentric old...


