Bernie Comaskey

You Can’t Be Serious – They are not ‘all the same.’

I have a massive interest in politics. It draws me in just like every other contest that I take a liking to. Even foreign...

You Can’t Be Serious – The blacksmith who forged a lasting memory of Lent

Jimmy ‘Blacksmith’ McCabe was the much loved blacksmith in the village where I grew up. He was such an integral part of our community...

You Can’t Be Serious – Time to shame the blame game …

‘Please Sir, he hit me first.’ Two boys found fighting in the playground and each would invariable proffer that one line in his defence...

You Can’t Be Serious ‘Our eyes met for the first time and …!’

Saint Valentine’s Day, just like Halloween, is becoming more and more of a community event in Ireland. ‘Valentine’s’ isn’t just for young lovers anymore...

You Can’t Be Serious – Trying to put the thing right …

The Lads were discussing YCBS in the pub the other night. ‘A splendid concept’, claimed the guy who is good at English. ‘A great...


