U3A Torrevieja

Maria Wilson applauds AACC at U3A meeting

Despite the uncomfortable temperatures that the Costa blanca is enduring at the moment, quite a good number of Torrevieja u3a members turned out for...

Final stroll of the year for Walk and Talk Group

Saturday 10th June looked to be the long awaited start of Summer in Spain as temperatures hit the high 20's and also proved to...

Torrevieja u3a Hiking and Walking Group

On a day when the temperature around Torrevieja hit an all-time high, 24 members of the Torrevieja U3A Hiking and Walking  group set off...

U3A transported into Novelda’s past

30th March, being a nice bright sunny spring day, proved to be ideal for a trip out. About 40 members of the Torrevieja U3A...

Costa Blanca Morris Dancers

Costa Blanca Morris Dancers (affiliated to Torrevieja U3A) are a group of friends who meet at the Ayuntamiento, Plaza Florida, Pinar de Campoverde 03191...


